video: 9:51 mins
in collaboration with Charlie Cauchi
shown at No Ordinary Terrain and at Debatable Land(s)
video: 9:51 mins
in collaboration with Charlie Cauchi
shown at No Ordinary Terrain and at Debatable Land(s)
Filmed on a roof overlooking a large construction site, BIGILLA layers audio fragments from various media sources with scenes from the heavy building equipment and the eating of a traditional Maltese broad bean dish that is steadily escalating into a savage act. Inspired by Sonia Andrade's video Untitled [Beans] from 1975, the artists question their own role, identity and position in contemporary Malta, the island they both immigrated to a while ago. The work echoes their struggles with a home that is increasingly colonized by money and dominated by identity politics, leaving them less and less room to fit in or being heard.

related works:
Too Illegal to stay, too peculiar to take away
/ Wall on Walls /
hajt Tas-sejjieh-(showpiece)
photo credits: Martina Farrugia & Tom Van Malderen
photo credits: Martina Farrugia & Tom Van Malderen