Dancing in the Dark

Spatial Installation
for a collective exhibition HERMETIK at Fort Tigne, Malta, curated by Michael Bock
30 x 30 x 50m
Timber, mirror, paint, plants

Set up on the parade ground of Fort Tigne in Malta, this work consisted of a number of wooden objects, mostly reconstructions or interpretations of objects that might appear familiar. “Dancing in the Dark” was influenced by writings by from philosopher, art historian and activist Lieven De Cauter, describing how our civilization behaves more and more in a capsular way, through a network of “closed-off” environments.

The fort itself can be considered as an older but perfect example of a capsule. Many parade grounds around the world have turned into centres for re-enactment and spectacles. I used the ground to set up my personal theme park including several older and newer capsular structures and phenomena.